Putin puts in the COVID-19 vaccine: Is it Russia over China? How it affects the world economies?

67 years old Vladimir Putin, finally puts in the first-ever (as per Putin’s claims) vaccine for COVID in front of the world. This is something that we can relate to as in Asian practices of Ayurveda where the elderly of the society are known for providing the herbs and cure for diseases ranging from small allergies to diseases like cancer. The real question is, Is the Russian vaccine the final cure for COVID-19? Let’s find out.

How reliable can the vaccine be?

Clearly, the vaccine has bought in a lot of criticism along with its claims to protect one against the corona virus. World health organization still doesn’t approve of it as a vaccine that can be accepted by the whole world.

The reason? WHO clearly states that any such vaccine must go under trial for 4-8 month before stating it safe and good for use. However, with the rate of death due to COVID, waiting for such trials would have been a disaster.

In a nutshell we can say although Russia claims to have made the vaccine still, using it remains risky for the individual. Although, Putin seems to clear few doubts by using the vaccine on his own daughter.

Is it Russia over China?

Another fascinating side of the story is that the vaccine comes from yet another communist country just like China. On one hand, the whole world seems to be against the communist and capitalistic societies and on the other hand, they are thanking Russia (which is a communist, capitalistic country) for saving them from the ongoing disaster.

How the new vaccine is changing the world economies?

Clearly, the introduction of the vaccine from Russia’s side is a breather for the whole world. Especially countries like America and Europe, which were immensely impacted.

Just after the announcement of Russia registering the vaccine, American, as well as European stock markets, saw a significant 2-2.5% jump in one day, followed by more such upward moves in the following days. Clearly, the investors showed confidence in the Russian vaccine or at least saw the Russian vaccine as a ray of hope for the whole world.

Only once a cure for COVID-19 is found, the world can, without any worry get back to their daily routines and economies can recover.


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