IPO coming up in 2020 | Why IPOs are worth investing | Upcoming IPO/FPO in India

IPO coming up in 2020

Listing the different IPO coming up in 2020 is easy, but what makes IPO so special, especially after the COVID-19 situation all around the world is the million-dollar question. Initial Public Offerings (IPO) and Follow On Public Offerings have been recently raining cats and dogs in all the markets around the world in 2020. Let … Read more

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How to be financially independent in 2020? Building-up your financial backbone

How to be financially independent in 2020

Becoming financially independent has always been an ever going conversation. Easier said than done, to become financially independent takes a lot of time, sleepless nights and consistency. With the recent COVID situations, almost everyone has realized that relying on a single stream of work and a single stream of income is probably the worst that … Read more

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Invest in Gold or search for better alternatives? Is it still worth it investing in gold post COVID?

Invest in gold

“Invest in gold” is a stereotypical reply you must have heard from almost everyone you went for taking investment advice. There is a reason why almost every other celebrity, especially these new-age singers and rappers wear humongous gold chains, pendants and rings. But is it still worth it to carry all this weight onto you? … Read more

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Stock markets in Asia | Impact of COVID on Asian stock markets | Business Post-COVID

Stock markets in Asia

American markets have reached new heights, but the story seems to be different when we talk about the stock markets in asia. Currently, the two major countries in Asian stock markets are India and China. We will be talking one by one on both, where they are right now and how will their future journey … Read more

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Putin puts in the COVID-19 vaccine: Is it Russia over China? How it affects the world economies?

Putin puts in the COVID-19 vaccine

67 years old Vladimir Putin, finally puts in the first-ever (as per Putin’s claims) vaccine for COVID in front of the world. This is something that we can relate to as in Asian practices of Ayurveda where the elderly of the society are known for providing the herbs and cure for diseases ranging from small … Read more

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Top 10 Richest People in the World: Mukesh Ambani #4

World 4th richest man, Mukesh Ambani

8th Aug 2020, Mukesh Ambani becomes the 4th richest person in the world (according to Forbes). To rank in the world top 10, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and consistency. Sir Mukesh Ambani did it all and no doubt he deserves everything, even the title of being the world’s number one (hopefully … Read more

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Should you invest in Yes Bank?

Yes bank

What can you expect from a room full of darkness? Spirits? Depression? Loneliness?How about “A ray of sunshine”? YES BANK just posted its Quarter 1 results for April-June 2020 at a net profit of 45Cr. On a YOY comparison, a decline of 60%. Seems bad right? Maybe not. An increase of 11% in its depositors after … Read more

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